
Monday, October 9, 2017

Quick and easy Salmon!

Happy Monday Friends!!!

My mom and I decided to take our little pumpkin to a pumpkin patch and while it was SO much fun... 
we were dying  very hot..
I keep wondering when we will be graced with some cooler weather..perhaps just a cool breeze to wipe the flush off of our cheeks from summer. I know we don’t live in a state where there are leaves to crunch and sweaters to adorn during October but I AM glad about the pumpkin patches here in San Antonio! I have never been to so many sweet little pumpkin patches with a ton of activities for kids of all ages!!! 

So onto the Salmon!!

Let’s talk fish. 

I love a good beautiful cut of salmon. It can be hard to find the right salmon at your local grocery store..I almost ALWAYS ask for wild caught and my *tip* is to ask your fish monger to smell it before purchasing it. Many times stores will freeze and refreeze fish and then put it out for people to buy. When smelling your fish MAKE sure it does not have an ammonia tinge to it. If your fish smells fresh ( little to no smell) then it is good to go! 
I love a wild caught sockeye salmon! It is amazing for you, rich in Omega 3s, great for hair skin and nails!!! 

One of my favorite and EASY ways of cooking salmon is like this:

Shopping List:

1 large salmon filet cut into 4-5 portions ( depending on how large of a cut you get)
1 bottle of lawrys teriyaki marinade
S&P to taste


Marinate the filets of salmon in the marinade for about 1 hour before cooking.
lay the salmon on a lined baking sheet and salt and pepper them to taste.
Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.

Ya’ll The salmon comes out to PERFECTION!!!

I almost always serve mine with roasted asparagus :)

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