
Monday, September 25, 2017

Meatball Recipe

Happy Monday Friends!!!!

I have had a great Monday so far..

Jaxie and I started off our morning with the wonderful ladies at MOPS. We had an awesome and very impressionable speaker who really stirred some things in me..God really sends the most awesome people right in your direction when you truly need them! I love that about him :) and tonight I start my very first Body Back session!!! It is an intense 8 week program that strengthens more than just your core!:) I am excited and will share more details on that later...

I wanted to share one of my most favorite and versatile recipes EVER! I make meatballs probably once a week and just change out the ingredients to make them different. I use ground turkey, chicken, or beef and mix and match veggies and cheeses to make them different and fun!

The other night I made ground chicken meatballs with sautéed apples and gouda cheese.
THEY WERE DELICIOUS...I will share that recipe later.

The basic meatball recipe I use is my own and it starts like this:


1 lb ground meat ( turkey, chicken, beef)
salt and pepper to taste
1 yellow onion chopped and minced
1 cup italian bread crumbs
1 egg
2 TBS worstechire sauce


I start by sautéing the onion in some olive oil. While the onion is cooking, add your meat to a bowl. Then to the meat add your egg, bread crumbs, spices, and worstechire. Once the onion is cooked go ahead and knead all the ingredients in with your hands. Form 2 inch balls and place on a sizzling cast iron skillet. Brown on both sides and then finish cooking in the oven.
400 for 10 minutes.

Now this is a basic meatball recipe that can be interchanged 237483038945 ways!! That is why I love these so much! Got a picky kid? Try and sneak in some shredded veggies into the meatballs. I love to add cheeses of different sorts as well. If I am doing an italian meatball I will add chopped parsley and mozzarella to the meatballs along with some italian seasonings. The sky is the limit! So get creative and make some meatballs :)

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