
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mediterranean Cold Salad

Good Afternoon Friends 

Today I am writing to you from a place of hope. I am trying to keep positive spirits and attempting to stay busy by cooking, organizing, outdoor time, and arts and crafts. I know many of you ( like me) are trying to keep your sanity all while managing little ones at home. It is hard.. I am with you, I am praying for you, and I am here to cook with you! I hope that during this time we can come together and truly try and live in joy. Let us sit at the table and enjoy a big meal because lets face it.. right now we have the time. We can cook that really lengthy dinner because we have a few hours for the beans to rinse, or the pork to marinate...we can try new things in the kitchen!!! This is exciting!!!! I am choosing to believe each and every day that God in fact does have a plan. HE ALWAYS has our best interest and even though many of us have is God who is in control!! I pray you can at least take time to read some of the following scripture that has helped ease my heart and mind. 

Psalm 13:05

Jeremiah 29:11

Hebrews 11:1-3

Hebrews 10:23

Romans 15:13

Also I have been listening to the Jason Gray station on my pandora - such uplifting music!!! I sang the entire time I created this meal in my kitchen today.. in a world that feels so much doom I felt SO MUCH JOY!!! I have moments of fear that creeps in when I allow it, I start to question...and feel scared because I don't have answers, I worry what tomorrow will bring but isn't it God who tells us in Matthew 6:34 " Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough worry about itself." I am attempting to live and focus on the present!! Right now that means for me

- Healthy Children
-Employed husband
- a beautiful home to abide in
- Energy to take care of my children and home
- A radio that plays worship music
- Hands to create, cook, and stroke my children hair
- WARM weather and Sunshine..warm weather is good for us!

Try making a list each day of things you are grateful for.. it can help drive the fears away. 

Now onto my salad :)


2 cups cooked quinoa, rinsed and drained
1 can pitted black olives sliced into fourths
1 can artichoke hearts sliced into halves
1 can garbanzo beans
2 large tablespoons of hummus
juice of one lemon
1 pint of cherry tomatoes, halved
3 tablespoons of feta cheese
1/4 cup finely diced red onion
avocado oil
salt and pepper

Toss everything in a large bowl and chill for two hours. Enjoy!!!

*** You can add grilled shrimp, or grilled chicken for some added protein 

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