
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Summer Bucket List


We are thrilled for summer’s arrival and mostly because a new little one will be joining us in  just a few short weeks!!! 

Every summer and fall I create a bucket list to do with my family so we can keep things creative and fun!! 

Here are some of our summer activities I have planned!

** Side note** I decided to keep a mason jar around the house and add popsicle sticks ( I interchange them throughout the different seasons) so that its fun to let your kiddo draw one at random and feel like “ they picked the event"

*Parman Library ( local San A only)  offers a TON of kid friendly activities in the summer for toddlers-preschool age children. Bonus that it is air conditioned as well!!!
* Host a BBQ. I love having friends over to sip some wine and light up the grill..slice open a huge watermelon and let the kids play in the sprinkler. 

* Zoo Morning!!! It is so hot in the afternoons so a morning at the zoo would be perfect!

*Muffins with mama. Jax and I love to make muffins ( the easy no fuss kind where you pour a packet and mix some oil :)) and then drop them off at a friend’s house. I love this because it gives us one on one time, teaches a skill, and shows generosity by bringing them to someone else. 

* Splash Pad: Call up some friends and hit your local splash pad!! Pack a lunch if its around that time or snacks and stay a while!!

* BEACH! We will most definitely be making a few beach trips this summer

* Make Homemade Popsicles : Blend up some fresh fruit and freeze them!!!

* Pizza by the Pool

* Farmers Market: Brandon and I love to hit up the local farmers market, buy a ton of produce and then try and get creative with a dinner we can make with the items we bought. Get the kids involved too!

* Children’s Museum:  Find one local to your area! I love ours because it offers AC and is a great place for kids to burn off some creative energy!

* Host a playdate: Weather its with bubbles or sidewalk chalk, splash pools and watermelon.. or wine and apple juice:) Just get together with some friends and enjoy each others company!!!

So far that is our list!!!! 

Friday, May 4, 2018

Third Trimester Update!

Happy Friday!!!!!

I cannot believe I am about to say this but...



Where did the time go??? 

I seriously cannot believe that it is almost time for me to hold my sweet second born...I am so grateful!!!

Here is a little bit of an update!

Due date: June 25
Baby is the size of a: I think Canteloupe
Total weight gain/loss: 25 lbs...eeek
Exercise: I work out daily with my amazing Fit4Mom group!!! According to my doctor I am a little more in shape this time than last.. WOO!
Stretch marks: Nope!
Swelling: Not yet.. but summer is quickly approaching and I am almost nine months pregnant...
Maternity clothes: Yes!!! My favorite places to shop for maternity are Pink Blush, Loft Maternity, Pea in the Pod, and Old navy Maternity!
Belly button: flat like a pancake LOL
Sleep: Sleep is seriously amazing... I am not sure I ever slept this good when I was pregnant with Jax. I am guessing I am so exhausted after chasing after a toddler all day and being super pregnant that I literally go comatose as soon as my  head hits my pillow.
Food cravings: I have had zero cravings this time around. The only thing I crave are sweets here and there
Movement: I LOVE feeling him!
Labor signs: no.. stay put until June bud!
What I miss: UM WINE.
What I’m loving: Im loving that any time I’m changing clothes or in a swim suit Jax races up to me to put his hands on my belly and gives it a kiss. It is truly the sweetest thing ever.
Best moment this week: It has become a part of our routine but my most favorite part of OUR* day is when Jax and I head to the park after nap. Jax with his juice and me with my starbucks.. I love to watch him make friends and run up and down the playground. 
What I’m looking forward to
Holding James Lucas!!!! Nursing again, and watching my boys love one another!
Month 8!

Baked Snapper with garlic basil sauce

Happy Wednesday!!!! It is SO beautiful outside today!! We started our morning off with a very long and productive run..we stopped...