
Friday, August 3, 2018

Birth Story-James Lucas

I always love to read other people’s birth stories.. they are just so amazing and each birth is truly unique!

Here is James Lucas’ Birth Story

7:00 AM we head to the hospital.. daddy has to stop and get some breakfast ( I can’t eat anything really) so we eat in the car and talk about how we are back at the Methodist Hospital AGAIN in a little less than two years :) SOO crazy!! We talked for a little while and then headed into L&D

** funny- I never slept the night before because I had crazy bad back pain.. I thought I might be in the early stages of labor but I knew I was going to be “induced” in a few hours so I decided to wait it out. Well when I got to the hospital I was already at a 4 and fully effaced so looks like I was in labor!

Once they confirmed I was in labor they hooked me up to the Pitocin to get things really going and I immediately starting feeling contractions. I labored on all fours for a while and then they moved me from side to side to get baby to move down.

Once my pain was at about a 7 I decided to get the Epidural.

Here is when things get real.

Anesthesiologist came and hooked up my Epi and all was well... until it wasn’t.

about 5 hours into labor and well after I had my Epi all plugged in I started complaining that I could feel my feet.. then my legs..I was lifting my legs and wiggling my feet and I could literally feel the Epidural wearing off. I was starting to get nervous because I had already been laboring for a few hours so I knew the pain was about to get bad if the anesthesiologist didn’t come and fix it.

The nurse continuously told me to just click my button ( which allows more medicine to drip into your catheter). Well I clicked that damn button until it almost fell off. IT WAS NOT WORKING.

Two hours later...

I am FULLY in pain. Screaming. Cussing. Yelling. Hurting So bad that honestly all I could do was BREATHE.

The nurse who was my original nurse ended her other shift and came back to be my main nurse. Well she looked me over and discovered the problem. The epidural catheter completely fell out of my back and my bed was getting all my medicine. Well I hope that damn bed was good and numb!!! Because I sure wasn’t!!!

At this point I am in so much pain I am feeling pressure and I knew deep down that I was about to have to push this baby out naturally. The nurse checks me and says “ well sweetie you are in this much pain because you are at a ten and its time to push”.

I knew that I had to strap on my big girl pants and suck it up because I had to get the baby out. I also was having blood pressure drops due to the epidural and was put on oxygen. The baby had the chord wrapped around his neck too so his HR would dip when I was in certain positions. I knew it was time to get him out and so I prayed for strength and I repeated in my mind our chant from body back.

“ I am a mom and I can do hard things”.

I played tug of war with the nurse for a few minutes to move him down and then five pushes later he was out!!! He did have the chord wrapped once but he cried and was born BEAUTIFULLY!!

I felt SO proud of myself that I sucked it up and got him out with no meds. It was not my intentional plan but it was how he got here and I know now that I am a strong mama!!!!

My beautiful dark haired James Lucas was born at 6:21 PM weighting 6 pounds and 15 oz. He was just as sweet as ever and the moment they laid him on my chest brought me happy tears of joy!!!

My sweet little surprise.

Here are some pictures from that special day

Baked Snapper with garlic basil sauce

Happy Wednesday!!!! It is SO beautiful outside today!! We started our morning off with a very long and productive run..we stopped...