
Monday, March 26, 2018


YES we are still alive!!! I have not sat down to write a blog post since winter.. 

it is now obviously almost Easter..


or #busymom??

Anyways!!! I am coming up on my THIRD trimester y’all!! This pregnancy is whirling by and I cannot imagine that I am going to be able to love on my sweet newborn sooner rather than later!!!!!! We have had a lot going on in this busy season of our lives and I am enjoying a rather full plate if you will of toddler activities, mom stuff, family gatherings, and lots and lots of house updates!

I have also thrown in a little cooking here and there and absolutely can’t wait to share my favorite PICO recipe with you :) You will LOVE IT!

So Life lately...

Life as of late has been going by a little to fast for my liking. If I could describe it I would say the days feel SO long in the moment but then by the time I lay my tired head down on my pillow at night I feel like everything happened so fast. I think that is life with a toddler..busy..never sitting down..always doing five million things at once.. “OH you need more juice?! hold on while mommy fills your cup, folds the laundry...”what’s that? You want more Mickey!? OK!!!”  - 

Jax is in the early stages of the terrible two’s except.. are the two’s really that terrible? I Hear it’s the threes that are downright devilish. Jax is definitely testing his independence and LOVES to tell Mommy no. which is hysterical and annoying all at the same time. He has an engineering mindset and is constantly taking things apart only to figure out how to put them back together. I love that. 

Jax has entered the stages of picky eating.. So many times I have friends on my Instagram asking me how I get Jax to eat these fabulous dinners I cook.. um I don’t?? I try and always offer but then if he sticks his nose up its a PB&J or Mac N Cheese for  the win!!! I have learned to not sweat the non eating stuff.. he gets plenty of fruits and veggies in the morning and afternoon.. by dinner if the kid isn’t into what mama is cooking I just call it a day. He isn’t gonna let him self starve...none of them will:) 

Pregnancy wise I am feeling GREAT! Everyone asks me all the time how I am feeling and I always feel like I should throw a complaint in here and there but honestly I feel amazing. Both of my pregnancies with the boys have been easy. I credit that to working out regularly and TRYING...I repeat TRYING to stay on a healthy diet. Girlfriend LOVES those weekly cupcakes from #BIRDBAKERYSA though :) 

** I passed my Glucose test! YAY!!!

Baby boy is measuring two weeks ahead.. we will go in for a scan in a few weeks to check on actual sizing.. because this was a *surprise* pregnancy I was not quite sure of the exact magical day so we are thinking he will come third week of June.. but he could definitely surprise us.. 
again :)!

I am BEYOND excited for spring and summertime to finally be here!! The pool is calling my name, the tanning SPF oil smells enticing, my plants are planted and watered ( daily)..for now..and blooming quite well!! I love splash pad days with J on a lazy saturday morning with coffee and a big ole’ smile! I love to sleep in and cook pancakes or muffins and not wear shoes outside..I love to be in the pool! I love when I get out of my car to walk inside HEB I am so hot that I need to instantly drink one of their random assortment of juices in the fruit section before I even checkout. I just LOVE summer. The beach and salty air, the towhead my sweet little blonde boy becomes..I swear his hair gets whiter and his eyes get blue-er during summer. Watermelon running down our faces and making home made popsicles. Yep its that time friends...

Up until now here is what we have been up to!!!

Jax loves to love on brother and it literally makes my heart melt!

A random craving during this pregnancy.. I have to drive to Conroe for it but I mean hey, anything for your kids right? LOL


Buddies for life!

Fun at Fit4mom

My angel before church 

Life lately.. belly out.. no clothes.. jumping on the couch singing Mickey.. I may or may not have a coffee lying around somewhere

My new thing!! I am making floral arrangements weekly!! I LOVE fresh my home you will always find three things: Music on, Fresh florals, and a candle burning. 

Snapper tacos with my delicious Pico!

Before pictures

Enjoy your week!!!!!!!

Baked Snapper with garlic basil sauce

Happy Wednesday!!!! It is SO beautiful outside today!! We started our morning off with a very long and productive run..we stopped...