
Friday, January 26, 2018

18 Month Favorites!!!

Happy Friday!!! 

Today on the blog I wanted to share my 18 month favorites with y’all!!! I cannot believe my baby boy is such a toddler already.. thank goodness I have a cure to my baby fever coming this June :)

Okay so as Jax grows we are obviously storing away some of our more “ babyish” items.. He is SO independent and SO busy.. this kid has me spent by like 4:30... 

1. Oxo Tot Feeding: Okay so this is my absolute favorite brand when it comes to feeding your toddler/baby. The bibs are catch all and can EASILY be wiped down.. so I mean thats about as good as it gets right? The zippy cups are great - never spill- and have a lid. We also like the munchkin 360 spoutless but these are our favorite right now. The bowls are awesome because they have a weighted bottom so they won’t slide everywhere and also come with lids so you can double them as a food storage! LOVE Oxo Tot. 

2.  Give us all the Mickey Mouse: Jax is completely obsessed with his pal Mickey. My mom ahem Santa.. brought J a complete Mickey themed Christmas.. all these wonderful Melissa and Doug brand toys that are very educational. He plays with them daily!! I thought I would share because as a former teacher.. I love a toy that can teach!

3.  SPRING CLOTHES:  We could not be more ready for spring around here. With this unusual winter spell we have had going on I have been doing a TINY bit of online shopping for Spring Stuff.. Janie and Jack has the CUTEST stuff for Easter!!! They offer a lot of Promo codes at the top of their website so don’t forget to get that additional % off!!!! 

4.  FOOD:  Jax has been getting in both sets of K9 teeth so food has not been his strong point. I have been encouraging a lot of soft foods to help with the pain as well as rotating tylenol and motrin. I hate when our babies are in pain!! Anyways when it comes to food he has his favorites and still tries a variety of food. Here is a typical meal plan for Jax


*Kodiak cake with almond butter and berries
*Oatmeal with peanut butter, chia seeds, agave nectar ( tiny bit), and berries
*Eggs, berries, avocado
*Peanut butter toast with bananas sprinkled with cinnamon
*Yogurt with added berries and buttered toast


* Home made hummus with cucumber and bite sized chicken ( usually whatever leftover meat we have) with fruit and cheese stick
* Applegate chicken nuggets with Annies Mac n Cheese, Fruit
* Peanut butter toast ( if he doesn’t have it for breakfast) with fruit and a cheese stick
* Mini PB&J sandwiches.. (we use tiny cookie cutters to cut them into bite sized shapes), Fruit


*Meatballs ( VEGGIES VEGGIES VEGGIES!! SNEAK ‘EM) he doesn’t “ notice” spinach and zucchini a lot so those are my sneakiest ones :) with a side of sweet potato

* Ground beef and whole grain rice- I try and make a simple “ stir fry” and either put some chicken or ground beef in his rice along with an egg for extra protein. He chows down. I love to use brown rice and he doesn’t seem to notice but you could always add white if that is what you have on hand.

* Grilled Cheese bites with home made hummus and veggies

* Veggie Quesadillas with fruit

* When all else fails I will do breakfast for dinner or a smoothie :) Smoothies are great. I always add whole milk, yogurt, peanut butter, spinach,chia seeds, and whatever fruit I have on hand. HE loves strawberry bananas. I tell him it’s ice cream!! HAHA!


This kid is on the GO!!! He loves to run and play therefore needing good sturdy shoes to support his busy feet :) I am still all for style but know that there needs to be a balance of that and support for his foot. I will link our favorite shoes below. 

Polo Baby <----- On sale for 21.99

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Hummus Recipe


I wanted to share one of my all time favorite snacks with y’all today and how I make it three different ways.. hummus is so versatile and QUICK to make. I use it for spreads on tortilla wraps, to dip my veggies and crackers in..its full of protein and its so so delicious!!! Here are a few different ways that I make ours.

1. Classic Hummus

What you will need is 1 can of garbanzo beans ( rinsed)
tahini sauce
olive oil
juice of one lemon
salt and pepper
1/3 cup of water

In your food processor pour your garbanzo beans, 1 LARGE table spoon of tahini sauce ( more if you love it), about 3 liberal glugs of olive oil, your juice of the lemon, and a liberal amount of salt and pepper and water. Blend and then season to taste.  garnish with smoked paprika if desired

How EASY?!

2.  Roasted Red pepper hummus

You will need 1 red bell pepper
garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper, one can of garbanzo beans, juice of 1 lemon, tahini sauce, and 1/3 cup of water

start by roasting your red pepper at 450 degrees..roast until blistered and soft.
then in your food processor repeat the steps just like the classic hummus except add your roasted red pepper to the processor. 

garnish with chopped red bell pepper!

3. Kalamata olive Hummus

In this hummus you will include everything in the classic hummus except you will add 4 kalamata olives to the processor.. and one clove of garlic.

Garnish with Kalamata olives and fresh feta cheese

Pregnancy Favorites- Mealtime Edition!!!

Happy Wednesday Friends!!!!

It is already the middle of the week!! I swear the weeks are FLYING by with this pregnancy!!! 
Speaking of pregnancy, Brandon and I had our 18 week check up yesterday and all was well with our little James Lucas. I never fail to ever be thankful for his health! God is GOOD! 
This pregnancy has been the same in most ways but when it comes to my eating habits I am craving WAY healthier foods! I am going to go ahead and say it is because I was living an extremely healthy lifestyle right before I got pregnant so my body is used to eating healthy foods. Now not to say I don’t eat a bag of jelly beans every once in a while but unlike my pregnancy with Jax I do not crave any mexican food, no burgers, no ice cream, NADA. I wanted to break down some of my mealtime favorites along with the recipes to help anyone who is wanting to snack or eat a bit healthier during their pregnancy!!!


Oats with berries: I buy the Red Mill rolled oats brand and cook as the instructions say. I then add berries( raspberries and blackberries) for sweetness and a spoonful of either almond or peanut butter

Avocado Toast: This is my FAVORITE right now. I toast whole wheat bread and add sliced avocado with Trader Joe’s ( Everything but the bagel) seasoning, then add a over medium egg to the top for some protein. I could literally eat this every meal!!!

Greek Yogurt: Either Fage’ <---- Spelling? Greek yogurt or greek goddess greek yogurt are my two favorites and I almost always add agave nectar, berries, slivered almonds, and some plain vanilla granola ( the KIND brand) and call it a day!!!!


Chicken Salad Wraps:  Each week I make my Kitchen Aid Chicken Salad ( recipe found HERE) and I make yummy wraps stuffed with spinach and this delicious chicken salad!! Sometimes I will stuff my chicken salad inside of an avocado and sometimes I will also just situate it on a bed of spinach with some raspberries as a side.. y’all I cannot get ENOUGH! It is so easy to make and it will last you all week!!!!

Snack Plate: Lunch is my least favorite meal to “ cook” because I like to keep my kitchen clean and simple.. following lunch is Jax’s nap time so I would much rather be doing something productive over cleaning a kitchen with a bunch of dishes. I came up with my little snack plate because it was just a healthy way to eat a good lunch and does not require a bunch of fuss. I usually have a scoop of cottage cheese, fruit, chicken breast slices cold ( previously made or from left overs) nut thin crackers, a pickle or cucumber and hummus and some pretzels. Easy as can be!

Salads Galore: I create different salads and I never get tired of them! usually I use whatever meat we had from the night before ( so salmon, or chicken mostly..sometimes steak) and I will create a salad out of it. Usually starting with a base of spinach then adding the meat and some fun fix ins’ to go on top!!!!


Peanut butter toast: Nothing better than slathering some yummy peanut butter over whole wheat toast. sometimes I will add a banana with cinnamon and share it with Jax :) sometimes not.

Apples and almond butter: My favorite thing this pregnancy is probably an apple. I LOVE apples.. I have been eating them in the afternoons with peanut butter or almond butter and they are SO yummy. Definitley a favorite.

Dried Apricots and Almonds: A handful of almonds and some yummy dried apricots are a perfect and healthy snack


So dinner this time around has been tricky.. I’m not really hungry. I would rather have a snack.. but then there is of course the husband and child who need to eat also soooo I have been improvising. Im not cooking HUGE dinners like I usually do but I have been doing more snack like dinners that are easy for everyone. Also the crock pot is my saving grace :)

 Bowls: This one is a newbie.. I love “ bowls” so like a mix up of different items all collected into one dish- I wanted to make something dinner friendly ( and bonus points for healthy!) so I figured I would try it out with salmon. I always start with a base of either brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potato then add my meat of choice * for a fish bowl it is usually salmon or halibut* for a taco bowl it is usually ground turkey or grilled chicken** once I add the meat then I just add the toppings that correlate. For salmon bowls I love fresh avocado and baby broccoli..sooo yummy!! For chicken bowls I love to add chopped romas, chopped cilantro, black beans, and chunky avocado. YUM! even a greek bowl would be delicious! chicken, hummus, feta, purple onion..

as you see the list can go on and on.. get creative:)!

Snack Plate: Same as above.. I mix up the snacks sometimes to add diversity. I love fresh and home made hummus, pretzels, celery with peanut butter or pimento cheese, dried fruit, cheese bites, whole grain crackers :) just anything and everything Snack-ie

Crock Pot Tacos: Now you can use your crock pot for an immense amount of different recipes but one of my all time favorites is my crock pot tacos. I LOVE tacos.. here are a few different recipes with and without the crock pot.

Fish Tacos
Pulled Pork Tacos
Crock Pot Pulled Pork
Shrimp Tacos
Chicken Tacos

I hope this sort of meal plan or “ meal ideas” can help someone struggling to make something for dinner!! These days I am all about what is quick and what is going to feed us in the healthiest way without a lot of fuss!!!

After workout at our park play date!! I love him so much!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mom Talk

Happy Monday Friends!!!

Today Jax and I had our MOPS meeting :) I absolutely LOVE our MOPS group!!! If you are not familiar with MOPS ( Moms of Preschoolers) allow me to explain! I joined MOPS when Jax was 14 months old. It is basically a huge group of women ( moms) of pregnancy-preschool aged children who gather together twice a month in fellowship. From the beginning you are assigned to a specific table of about 8 women and that will be your “ group” for the year. The point is to build relationships with christian moms and journey through this crazy mama hood thing together! We take turns bringing breakfast and there is always a fabulous speaker. We also do a lot of fun group involvement, moms nights outs and play dates. Its wonderful! 

Today we had an excellent speaker who spoke advice on kindness. Everything she said churned inside of me and really settled in my heart. I am a big believer in always being kind but since becoming a mom I can think of so many instances where maybe I was too tired to remember to be so kind and have also had experiences where moms have been unkind to me as well. 

Have you ever been that mom who is afraid to reach out?? Being a new mom is humbling and rewarding all at the same time. Finding new mom friends that are in your same boat can be a bit challenging and you may or may not even have the energy to try. . Sometimes you need your cup filled before you can fill others but today I sat and resonated on the strategies she listed on how to reach out :) 

  • Smiling at strangers, being the first to introduce yourself in a  group
Say you joined a new group all by yourself like Stroller Strides for example.. being able to slap a smile on your face even though you were up all night with the baby will make all the difference in your attitude. Smiling makes you less intimidating.. it invites people to strike up a conversation!! 
  • Not being afraid to encourage or affirm someone who does something better or different than you
Okay here come the mommy wars. The whole “ I do the mom thing better than  you” is the WORST way to go about motherhood. We are supposed to encourage, love, and lift one another up! There have been many times where I do not agree with how another mom is doing something or that “ My way is probably better” but you know what!? She probably thinks that about her way! She is trying her darndest to do a great job for her baby so by telling her that she is doing a wonderful job will LITERALLY mean the world to her. Maybe there is a mom who has a deep freezer FULL of breast milk and YOU are having to supplement with formula because you cannot make enough. ENCOURAGE that mama.. tell her “ WAY TO GO!” she is working just as hard as you are :)! Encouragement can mean the world to a tired mommy.
  • Making an inconvenient phone call
Yes, you are are spent.. you have just finished wiping up yogurt from the ground for the 2189372984723 time because your toddler thinks its HILARIOUS to fling food everywhere. You spent all night nursing the baby because he is addicted to your boob.. and you look like a hot mess. But there is this friend that has been on the back of your mind for weeks.. and you keep meaning to “ call her back” but never can find the time.. or energy. When you can...IF you can.. make the phone call. Call your friend because you love her..tell her SHE Is doing a great job at parenting.. better yet try and meet up for coffee!!! Good friends are few and far to come by so it is so important to nourish those relationships too.
  • Making small talk even though you hate it
Okay so small talk is mundane..its boring.. who has time for it? Well let me tell day I was sitting in the pediatricians office with a fussy toddler. There was a lady next to me who was an obvious new mommy. She looked tired and worn we all do those first few weeks. I simply asked her “ hi, how are you doing?” And she was SO grateful to have that conversation. When my name was called up to go see the doctor she grabbed my wrist and said “ thank you, I just needed to talk to an adult today.” Small talk can be so simple.. but so meaningful.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Pregnancy Favorites!!! 1st and second trimester!

Hey y’all! Happy Friday!!

I swear these weeks keep on blowing by.. I cannot believe I’m almost halfway finished with this pregnancy!!!!!!

Today I wanted to share some of my absolute favorites this go around that I absolutely cannot live without! Here we go! 

Oh and.. for laughs

Because for real this is so true....

which brings me to pregnancy favorite Number 1!!!!

Click on the links highlighted below to navigate to these products!

1. Blanqui Leggings <------- Link here

Y’all I cannot say enough wonderful things about these leggings. They are soft, stretchy, you can wear them with outfits or to workout, and they do not get all fuzzy in the washing machine. They are the COMFIEST maternity item I own and I literally wear them daily. A must have for sure!

2.  Bubba Cup

During pregnancy I literally become SO thirsty. I always tend to drink a lot of water anyways but during pregnancy its like I cannot ever get enough!!! I am also a sucker for great water jugs. I have everything from the Yeti ( love) to a Bubba Keg Cup. I love this ^^^ Cup because it is large enough to not have to refill constantly throughout the day and you are getting more than enough of your daily water intake. If you have trouble drinking your water try adding some fruit!! I love to chop up strawberries & blueberries or lemon and mint, and even some grapefruit to keep my water a little interesting!

This is the Kate Somerville Goat’s milk moisturizer linked above and I CANNOT say enough wonderful things about it. I have been using Kate’s line for about two years. I used the Nourish line and have never seen my skin so clear and dewey! Since I have become pregnant a facialist told me that using skin care products with lactic acid is a lot healthier for our mama skin so I switched over to her Goat Milk line of products and am SO happy with the results. I will do a separate skin care post on all of my favorite products in the future!!!!

4.  RX bars

I couldn’t link these bars but they are found at Whole foods, Trader Joes, HEB, and Target. These have been a GAME changer for me!!! During the first few months when I was nauseous at just about everything..I would pop one of these bars in my mouth and instantly feel a little better. These bars are made with ALL natural and whole, healthy ingredients so you don’t have to feel bad about eating them. They are made with egg whites, dates, and nuts so if you are allergic to nuts steer clear but otherwise go grab some of these babies!

5. A great exercise routine!

Even if it is just a nice daily walk or jog outside in the fresh air it does SO many wonderful things for our bodies. I try and at least get a workout or walk in 3-4 times a week and on days when I feel sluggish, nauseous, and tired it is really the best medicine to perk me right up!!! I joined my FIt4Mom class when Jax was a baby and they specialize in pre and postnatal fitness!! It is absolutely perfect for any pregnant mom. Please check your area and find your tribe!!!
Some pictures at Stroller Strides :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

“ Healing Chicken Soup"

Happy Snow day Ya’ll!!!

Once again here in Texas for the SECOND time this year we are experiencing freezing conditions, ice, and freezing rain. CRAZY!!! We are all cozy with a fire and some hot coffee so all is well over here..

With the cold weather comes a lot of unwanted illnesses. Right now in Texas we are fighting the flu epidemic like mad. It is absolutely out of control and I have been trying my best to avoid getting sick. Here are some preventative measures I have been taking. Hypochondriac or not I am trying my best to stay healthy!

  • Hand washing..sanitizer.. ALL THE TIME.
  • lots and lots of water. If you hate water , try adding some fresh lemon slices, mint and grapefruit to brighten your drink :)
  • Epsom salt baths- Dr Teals is my favorite along with a few essential oil drops of Eucalyptus
  • Oil diffusers - Eucalyptus, Orange, Theives
  • Extra Vit. C and D
  • Elderberry tummies daily to boost immune
  • Tumeric teas and Golden Tumeric milk ( google recipes)
  • SlEEP

This is what I am doing for both Brandon and I ( and adapting a few of these for Jax) I am praying that we all stay well!!!

So also with cold weather comes SOUP WEATHER!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE to make soup because hello! You can make it in the crock pot :) Or just let it simmer away on the stove allowing that amazing smell of soup to fill your home :) It is just so comforting. I already made an amazing batch of chili ..but what I wanted to talk about today was my chicken soup. 

This chicken soup has a bit of a kick so spicy lovers this is right up your alley!


1 Sweet potato/butternut squash peeled and chunked
1 yellow onion chopped and diced
3 stalks of celery chopped
3 carrots peeled and chopped
1 zuchinni chopped
1 or 2 bunches of spinach
chopped cilantro
salt and pepper
2 chicken breasts
chicken stocks


In a crock pot...dump all of your ingredients in :) season to preference and cook on LOW and slow for about 6 hours. Shred chicken and serve.

Stay well y’all!!!!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Home Tour: Dining Room!

Happy Tuesday Friends!!!

My morning started off not the way I wanted it too.. ugh. Don’t you just hate when you have mornings like that? I was on my way to my Fit4mom class when my garage door would not cooperate with me. After about a million tries I just could not get my door to come down..I also left my house key in Brandon’s truck so I couldn’t just leave the door unlocked. My plans changed and we ended up going for a walk least it was beautiful weather!!!

So after our walk, lunch, and laying the baby down for nap I sat and had my alone time with Jesus. I felt so refreshed and much better than I did this morning. I haven’t really had the time to blog and I have sort of been at a loss on what to blog about since I have been repeating a lot of the same meals. I decided that since we have just recently moved and I have been working on each room one at a time that I would share my progress!! I LOVE to see other people’s homes and find so much inspiration from seeing their work! So far I have done and completed, The Gameroom, Master Bedroom, Dining room, and Jax’s Big boy room. Each week I will do a room reveal and list/link where I bought everything. This will be fun!!!!

Starting with one of my favorite rooms

The Dining Room

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this room. I had so much fun with this room and if it weren’t for the help of my Father in law this room would not be this beautiful!!!!


Dining Table: Handcrafted by Doug Frankhouser - My Father in Law
Paint: Fawn Brindle by Sherwin Williams
Chairs: Star Furniture
Light Fixture: Wayfair: Geyer 7 candle fixture- SHOP HERE
Vases: Pottery Barn

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year New GOALS!

Happy 2018 Friends!!

I absolutely love the new year.. it’s such a wonderful time for everyone because it is a season for growth and renewal. Whether you are working towards losing 10 LB or gathering the courage to try a cooking recipe each week.. a goal is a goal!  I try not to make resolutions but I DO make goals. I have found in the past that it is hard for me to stick to nitty gritty resolutions but when I come up with a list of goals to work towards I usually get a lot accomplished!!

Brandon and I usually each make a set of personal goals and then we sit together and talk about our family goals. 

I wanted to share my personal goals below to hopefully inspire anyone who is looking for something to work towards in 2018!!! 

2018 GOALS

            Wake up 1 hour earlier: I love this and used to do this all the time but then came #baby and hello I was #exhausted. I loved the time when the house was was just me, my steaming mug of coffee and my daily devotional. Sometimes I would even put soft music on and fold the laundry. It was special time with God and I CRAVE it during this season of mommy hood  so I am once again going to do it. Realistically, maybe I won’t get up every morning because I’m tired and pregnant and chasing after a 1 year old BUT if I could even wake 1 hour earlier 3 times a week, I know I will be so refreshed throughout the day.

Fit Pregnancy: I love working out, I love eating healthy and I would really like to continue that into my pregnancy! I was moderately fit with Jax and walked every single day but I would really like to have a shorter labor and delivery this time so I am going to do a few things to help move that along. FIT4MOM falls right into that category and I plan on continuing my daily workouts along with eating a healthy diet. Of course I love #jellybeans but I mean.. it’s all a balance. RIGHT :)

Book Club: Something about me that not many know is that  I absolutely love is to read. I read book after book when I was first pregnant with Jax and have just always enjoyed getting lost in a great novel. I struggled with finding time to read after Jax and sort of lost my passion for a while. Recently I picked up a random novel at Target and was able to finish it in a few days. I read a little each night ( instead of Netflix) once Jax was asleep and I LOVED IT! So here I am doing it again.. I love to go to Half price books and stock up on cheap novels and then share with friends:) Book club anyone?!! I plan to read a few novels a month ( maybe 2 ) and then post my reviews on here!

Get a little eccentric with cooking: Don’t get me wrong I am all for “ stick with what ya know” and what I know is southern cooking. I am good at it and LOVE to make it. However I have been reading a few of my cook books and have found so many different types of recipes.. an amazing recipe I recently tried was a "Mango Curry Chicken". I never use curry.. and the recipe called for raisins. TOTALLY out of my comfort zone. I made it and it was absolutely amazing. I plan to try just a few “ out there” recipes and see which ones I can tweak and make my own:) 

Be more Intentional: This is a really important one for me. I know that life can get so busy that it can feel as if  we are going through the motions day after day. I know that especially as moms we feel like we wear a million different hats and have to juggle a thousand different things! I know it can be overwhelming and I know it can feel like you are doing these things 50 % instead of 100 %. That is why in 2018 I want to do things more intentionally. I want to be more purposeful in my actions whether it be with my husband, my son, or my friends.. I want to give them 100% of me. When I take Jax to the Doseum to watch him play and explore I NEED and WANT to be 100 percent- fully aware of our time together and how special it is. I want to give him my ALL..intentionally. When my husband and I are up late just talking about nothing.. I need to be fully aware of that special time. Not scrolling through Pinterest during pillow talk.. but being aware..intentional...fully there.  As many wonderful friends as I have been blessed with.. I would LOVE to grab a coffee ( when we can) and just enjoy our friendship!


My inspiration for this comes from 1 Corinthians 13 and this amazing rendition I read over Christmas

If I decorate my house perfectly with lovely plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights, and shiny glass balls, but do not show love to my family, I’m just another decorator.
If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals, and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime, but do not show love to my family, I’m just another cook.
If I work at the soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home, and give all that I have to charity, but do not show love to my family, it profits me nothing.
If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes, attend a myriad of holiday parties, and sing in the choir’s cantata but do not focus on Christ, I have missed the point.
Love stops the cooking to hug the child.
Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the husband.
Love is kind, though harried and tired.
Love doesn’t envy another home that has coordinated Christmas china and table linens.
Love doesn’t yell at the kids to get out of your way.
Love doesn’t give only to those who are able to give in return, but rejoices in giving to those who can’t.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
Love never fails. Video games will break, pearl necklaces will be lost, golf clubs will rust. But giving the gift of love will endure. 

Happy New Year Friends

Baked Snapper with garlic basil sauce

Happy Wednesday!!!! It is SO beautiful outside today!! We started our morning off with a very long and productive run..we stopped...